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The Story of Ra and Isis (Egyptian Spiritual Classics)

The Story of Ra and Isis (Egyptian Spiritual Classics) ASIN: B003F76LLW Currently available only at The Story of Ra and Isis contains one of the great secrets of ancient Egyptian civilization. Although the text has been available in translation for many years, a reader will miss the secret unless he follows the original hieroglyphic text. Dr. White has retranslated the text and provided a detailed commentary that brings out the great secret that passes between Ra and Isis. It is deeply profound, very funny, and of great practical importance for all of mankind. This edition also contains the complete

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A TOUR OF ATLANTIS or What Happens in the Astral Realm Glyphic Text, Graphics, Translation, Detailed Commentary The Amduat is one of the great spiritual classics of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt. It is the first text to explore in depth and with detailed illustrations the various levels of consciousness that range from waking state to the deepest levels of sleep, including tools for exploring these “Astral Realms” deliberately and consciously through meditation and other techniques. This text takes you deep into an understanding of the Ancient Egyptian theory of the chakras. All 3 volumes of this text are

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The Senet Game Text of Ancient Egypt

The Senet Game Text of Ancient Egypt ASIN: B00332FF5C Currently available only at The Senet Game Text of Ancient Egypt: A poetic text that describes one of the oldest games known to mankind. The Senet oracle game contains within it the spiritual essence of classical Egyptian culture. The Senet Game Text of Ancient Egypt survives in three copies, one of which is only partial and all of which have lost the last few lines of text. This document describes the contents of the traditional ancient Egyptian Senet Game Board and allows us to get a feeling for how this

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The Litany of Ra(Tarok Naipa)

The Litany of Ra (Tarok Naipe): Part I, An Introduction(surviving editions and their relation to the Tarot/Tarok/Naipe cards) ASIN: B0033AGUUS Currently available only at The Litany of Ra is one of the most important spiritual texts of ancient Egypt. Some of Egypt’s greatest pharaohs such as Thutmose III, Sety I, and Rameses II had illustrated editions of this text included in the decoration of their tombs. Budge’s English version is known fairly widely, and Hornung has produced a German edition that includes transcriptions of all the texts. Douglass White presents new insights in his introduction to the Litany of

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Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt Books, Articles and Products Mostly Written and Designed by Dr. White The Wizard of Amen Weser   Amen Using your mouse, click on the titles or stars (***) or titles listed in blue color to access and view a work.  Some items are available only through the BOOK STORE.  Click on the word STORE to access the Store Catalog.   Some items are free, and others provide free previews.  Items for sale can be purchased online for a small charge by credit card.   Five Gems from Ancient Egypt   (These five works are now available as free downloads from this website to encourage interest and

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Phonetic Semantography (PS) version 1.0

Phonetic Semantography (PS) version 1.0 The Key to Speaking in Blissymbolics, the Universal Language of Icons Dr. White has created a font and communication code called Blisscii (Blissymbolics Code for Information Interchange) that allows rapid touchtyping of the Blissymbols developed during the 20th century by Charles Bliss. The documentation in PDF format includes an introduction to the elements, components, and compound icons of Blissymbolics. With the Blisscii font and input method a user may generate the currently attested Blissymbols plus create an endless number of new Blissymbols in a consistent digital format that anyone using the Blisscii font will be

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THE BOOK OF CHANGES (Holistic Change Maker)

Dr. White presents The Book of Changes in two volumes with the original Chinese text plus his translation and a detailed commentary that includes practical exercises that will give you direct experience of the changes in terms of your own life. Volume 1 also contains an introduction that discusses the relationship of the Book of Changes as it developed in China with the earlier system of changes that the ancient Egyptians developed. These new research findings brought to light by Dr. White are available nowhere else! Volume 1: Introduction and Hexagrams 1-30 Volume 2: Hexagrams 31-64, The Appended Essays on

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YOGA SUTRAS OF PATANJALI An Enlightened Translation and Commentary Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras form one of the magnificent gems of classical Sanskrit literature.   The book is brief, concise, and utterly practical.   It is also filled with a subtle humor that is seldom found in Indian literature.   Dr. White has made a new translation with a revolutionary commentary that makes clear the amazing impact Patanjali’s wry wisdom can have on your life.  He shows you how virtually anyone can attain full enlightenment in a few seconds and then go on to enjoy unbounded success in all areas of life.   The book contains the original Sanskrit text plus a transliteration.   Dr. White also

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The Eternal Xmas and New Year Card

The Eternal Xmas and New Year Card (FREE DOWNLOAD) The above graphic is a tableau from the ancient Cosmic Comic Book known as the Amduat.  You may click on the tableau to download the image plus a detailed description of its strange contents. The tableau is part of a set of 12 such complex images that also contain detailed texts and labels describing what goes on.  The work was developed during the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt over 3000 years ago and describes the aspect of life that is invisible to or ignored by most people.   The entire work with the illustrations, hieroglyphic

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Dr. Douglass A. White

Dr. Douglass A. White The Wizard of Amen Weser Amen Dr. White has a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Harvard University. His specialty is the comparative study of ancient languages and civilizations. He taught for a number of years at several universities in the United States. He has taught personal development educational courses in various communities for forty years. Dr. White actively participates in the evolution of our emerging enlightened planetary civilization. He has written numerous books and articles, many of which are available on this website. He also is the current administrator of the Sacred Scarab Institute and its website. Dr.

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