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Dr. Douglass A. White

Dr. Douglass A. White The Wizard of Amen Weser Amen Dr. White has a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from Harvard University. His specialty is the comparative study of ancient languages and civilizations. He taught for a number of years at several universities in the United States. He has taught personal development educational courses in various communities for forty years. Dr. White actively participates in the evolution of our emerging enlightened planetary civilization. He has written numerous books and articles, many of which are available on this website. He also is the current administrator of the Sacred Scarab Institute and its website. Dr.

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1 Week and 5 Day No-Limit Meditation Retreats 無極禪海禪五與禪七照片   Meditation Retreat I (Summer 2008 夏): (Photos 照片) Meditation Retreat II (Winter 2009 冬): (Photos 照片)  Meditation Retreat III (Summer 2009 夏): (Photos 照片) Meditation Retreat IV (Winter 2010 冬) (Photos 照片) Meditation Retreat V (Summer 2010 夏) (Photos 照片) Meditation Retreat VI (Summer 2011 夏) (Photos 照片)        

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Meditation – OAM

OAM No Limit Ocean Awareness Meditation   The purpose of meditation is to go into a deep state of pure quiet without holding the attention fixed on any content (meaning) or energy (object or activity).and enter a state of Unity. Quiet is the basis of activity (just as silence is the basis for sound) and is the foundation for all achievements.  Meditation is not merely quietude.  It is a method for empowering your inner potential.  Correct meditation will bring you to the Source of Life and unfold powerful energy. Because this depth of quietude can go deeper than the sleep state, it not

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  OAM : No Limit Ocean Awareness Meditation  The Flow of Attention, Meditation, and Success  General Introduction and FAQ Mantras and Yantras of Ancient Egypt(The above article contains material about meditation in ancient Egypt that goes back at least to the 4th dynasty.) Recent 1-day OAM Introductory Meditation and Creativity Workshop The Wizard’s Dream: Osirian Mummy Meditation (It’s fun, and you don’t have to be a mummy to practice it!)   

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*outlook express users can play the animation in the email The PHOTON as a model of heterodyne phase-conjugate soliton creation by Frank van den Bovenkamp, Heart Coherence team update March 7, 2007; * fiat luke’s * This page is dedicated especially to Luke Gatto’s half or whole life search for what Newton and Keppler may have hidden (for some reason?), and to Duane Whitlock who has done a great work to reveil it as the intelligent design of Creation. skip to animation *preliminary* More important than a technical explanation of photon (soliton) creation is its metaphorical meaning. It

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Other Science

Other Books and Articles on Scientific Subjects *** Click on the stars and link to Dan Winter’s latest update to his research on Golden Ratio fractal geometry and physics.  He shares information from a wide ranging group of scientists in various disciplines who have been working various aspects of this key component of what I call Observer Physics.  This work leads to an elegant theory of gravity, applications in developing clean energy resources, and many other exciting directions.  Check it out. *** To see a schematic ANIMATED GRAPHIC of the Observer Physics model of basic photon flow done by Frank van

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LINKS  In the list below I will provide some links to sites that present other views or more detailed information of interest to those exploring Observer Physics. Harry Palmer and Avatar Materials, Writings, Exercises, and Activities. This is the official Avatar website and is the best source for material related to the Avatar Materials (and the Course that goes with them) or other writings and activities of Harry Palmer. HYPERPHYSICS: a good general resource for information about standard physics. This site is done in hypercard format by C. R. Nave of Georgia State University. It is quite accessible, easy to navigate, and

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A Sampler of New Insights and Discoveries Developed in Observer Physics * Palmer’s Theorem defines the relations among the observer, his beliefs, and his experiences. * The Mental (Mathematical) Space of ideas and the World Space of physics are mirror replicas of each other mediated by a special reflection principle. * Operations in either space modify the structure and function of the conjugate space. * Objects inherently have no mass or gravitational force. (Experimental evidence is provided.) * All masses and forces originate from resistance in the observer. * The observer is the prime mover in charge of all physical

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 General Humanities Section

 General Humanities Section  (Topics on this page evolve.) The “Humanities” section is dedicated to timeless topics that affect all civilizations — ancient or modern. You may want to go to the “World” section under “Ancient Civilizations” and read Dr. White’s essay, A Plan for a Planet, for five timeless solutionsto the problems faced by any civilization: Stable Awareness. Clear Thinking. Holistic Relationships. Clean Energy. Sustainable Economy. Direct Address: 古文明-世界 You will also see there Project 0 that I call “Popcorn Time”. When it comes to people interacting with people, here is a back-to-reality read (by Robert E. Podolsky, MS):  FLOURISH! An Alternative to Government and Other Hierarchies. Quote: As most

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Observer Physisc

 OBSERVER PHYSICS A NEW PARADIGM by Douglass A. White, Ph.D.   Observer Physics Page: Papers by Dr. White and other authors It depends on how you look at it. Sacred Scarab Institute Store Menu publications, affiliate offers, links, helpful resources, guides, and tools All books and articles posted on this site by Douglass A. White are copyrighted by the author with all rights reserved. Any commercial use of this material requires written permission from the author or his appointed agent. All copyrights and other rights for books and articles by other authors that are posted on this site belong to their

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